Easy Kids Crafts | Moon and Stars Mobile

Try this simple and fun to make Moon and Stars Mobile.

You will need:

  • Thick card or greyboard

  • Foam or paper shapes

  • Sewing thread

  • Paints and paint brush

  • Pencil, ruler, scissors, a pair of compasses and play clay

Here's how:

  1. Cut 2 strips of thick card approximately 25cm x 4cm.

  2. Make a thin slit at the centre of each length, about 2cm high, so that the 2 pieces will slot together at right angles to form a balanced hanging frame.

  3. Take the frame apart and make small holes (just enough for the sewing thread to go through) at approximately 4cm intervals along the bottom edge of each piece of the frame. Make another 2 holes in the top of one half of the frame, one 2cm either side of the centre.

    Ask an adult to help make the holes - the point of a pair of compasses pushed carefully through the card into a lump of play clay is ideal for this stage. Make sure your work surface is well protected first.

  4. Paint or decorate the frame as required and leave to dry. Reassemble the frame once the paint is dry.

  5. Cut out moon and star shapes from paper, card or foam and decorate if required.

  6. Make a small hole near the top of each shape and thread a length of sewing thread through the hole. Then pass the thread through one of the holes in the base of the frame and tie a knot in the thread to secure. Trim off any excess thread.

    Use different lengths of thread so that the shapes hang at different levels. Hang only one shape through each hole in the frame and have a mixture of shapes and sizes on each of the 4 arms to ensure that your mobile is balanced.

  7. Attach a loop of thread through the 2 holes in the top of the frame to enable you to hang and display your mobile.


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